Flower Travellin’ Band

Flower Travellin’ Band (フラワー・トラベリン・バンド, Furawā Toraberin Bando) Flower Travellin’ Band is a Japanese rock band that was formed in 1967. They were connected to Japan’s counterculture movement and noted for their mixture of early heavy metal with psychedelic and progressive rock. They received wide acclaim from critics but failed to achieve commercial success and separated in…

Scott Walker

“One of the most enigmatic and influential figures in rock history”  Mark Savage, BBC Noel Scott Engel (January 9, 1943 – March 22, 2019) better known by the stage name Scott Walker, was an American singer-songwriter, composer and record producer who lived most of his life in England. Walker was known for his baritone voice…

Radiohead • OK MiniDisc

MiniDiscs [Hacked] is a compilation of recordings by the English rock band Radiohead, made while they were working on their 1997 album OK Computer. It comprises over 16 hours of demos, rehearsals, live performances and other material. The recordings, taken from MiniDiscs belonging to singer Thom Yorke, were not intended for release; after they leaked…

Bike Mixtape

Critical Mass is a form of direct action in which people meet at a set location and time and travel as a group through their neighbourhoods on bikes. The idea is for people to group together to make it safe for each other to ride bicycles through their streets, based on the old mantra: “there’s…

Star Wars Mixtape

Star Wars Mixtape : May The 4th Be With You ! The first recorded reference was the phrase being first used on May 4, 1979, the day Margaret Thatcher took the job as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. That day, the Conservative Party, placed a congratulatory advertisement in The London Evening News, saying :…

Bunny/Rabbit Mixtape

Jacob Sewell (Bunny Boy in Harmony Korine’s Gummo, 1997) Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there. Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life, so… Happy Easter everyone ! Bunny/Rabbit Mixtape – Side A Bunny/Rabbit Mixtape – Side B DAW : Harrison Mixbus D/A…

Women of The World : Take Over !

La Journée internationale des femmes (selon l’appellation officielle de l’ONU ; en anglais, International Women’s Day ou IWD), également appelée journée internationale des droits des femmes dans certains pays comme la France, est célébrée le 8 mars. C’est une journée internationale mettant en avant la lutte pour les droits des femmes et notamment pour la…

Love Is A Mixtape

There are all kinds of mixtapes and there is always a good reason to make one… Love is definitely the most obvious one ! “A song nobody likes is a sad thing. But a love song nobody likes is hardly a thing at all.” ― Rob Sheffield, Love Is a Mix Tape “123456… You’re printed…

John Carpenter Mixtape

On February the 5th 2021, John Howard Carpenter, American film director, producer, actor, screenwriter, and composer also known as The Master of Horror as released is third stand-alone album : Lost Themes III: Alive After Death. John Carpenter created Lost Themes albums in collaboration with his son Cody Carpenter and his godson Daniel Davies (son of…

A Tribute To Steve McQueen’s Small Axe

Small Axe is a British anthology film series, created and directed by Steven Rodney “Steve” McQueen. The anthology consists of five films which tell distinct stories about the lives of West Indian immigrants in London from the 1970’s to the 1980’s. The title references a proverb – “If you are the big tree, we are…

Runman Mixtape

[from Wikipedia] Running is a method of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot. Running is a type of gait characterized by an aerial phase in which all feet are above the ground (though there are exceptions). This is in contrast to walking, where one foot is always in contact…